丁文琪 Kiki Ding - 麻辣女孩 Kim Possible

本歌曲收錄於丁文琪2002年第二張專輯,《騙子》所附贈的VCD中,並未收錄於CD中,發行於歌萊美捌捌陸陸唱片,亦為迪士尼超人氣動畫《麻辣女孩》主題曲中文版 Music video by Kiki Ding performing Kim Possible (chinese version) , which is theme song of Disney animated cartoon《Kim Possible》. This song was recorded in bonus VCD of《The Liar》rather than in CD , Kiki Ding’s second album for 2002. Release in GMM 8866 Group. 中文詞 Chinese Lyric:丁文琪 Kiki Ding OC/OA:Cory Lerios Gabriel MV導演 MV Directorᦂ
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