Truth: LaPoint Array Closed Ring. Overunity machine, magnetic power generator and working principle

Hello everyone, this time we are looking again at a kind of free energy generator or perpetual motion magnet motor, the LaPoint Array, an invention designed by David Lapoint with a bowl shaped array of magnets to concentrate a magnetic field to one side and thin it out on the other, which should be able to generate a permanent movement as an overunity device. We look at the ring made of LaPoint arrays as a perpetual motion machine, which will hardly be implemented due to its costs, then we look at a reduced version that is considerably cheaper with the same function and everyone will be able to build it at home (diy). In order to check whether a laPoint array can really work, we examine the functional principle and its possible variants. Be sure, it will be interesting to see what result we come up with, instead of what we are expecting beforehand. -- #yWild
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