Vanilla Darkshore - Music & Rain Ambience (2 hours, 4K, World of Warcraft Classic)
Dear viewer, I present you 2 hours of music and rain ambience from the Vanilla World of Warcraft Darkshore. This zone is iconic for pre-Cataclysm World of Warcraft, an area much regretted by old WoW players since the current Darkshore is extremely changed and barely recognizable.
Darkshore is a vast strip of a jagged coastline on the northwestern part of Kalimdor. It is known for its characteristically gloomy woods and rocky beaches, littered with ancient ruins and mountainside caves. The night elves of Teldrassil claim this shoreline as part of their ancient realm.
Music tracks in this video (from the Original World of Warcraft Darkshore Vanilla) accompanied all the time by rain ambience:
00:00:11 Moonfall OST
00:01:04 Night Forest 1
00:02:00 Night Forest 2
00:02:46 Night Forest 3
00:03:48 Night Forest 4
00:30:00 Ghosts OST (Haunted)
00:37:30 Ruins OST (Fragment)
01:50:00 Zone Desert 1 (Tanaris OST)
01:51:08 Zone Desert 2 (Tanaris OST)
01:52:32 Zone Desert 3 (Tanaris OST)
All tracks are marked in the video.
Night Forest music is composed by Jason Hayes.
World of Warcraft Original Sound Tracks Album is signed by Jason Hayes (Lead Composer) and Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford.
Main areas found in this video (WoW Darkshore Vanilla):
00:00:00 Auberdine
00:30:00 Ameth’Aran
00:37:30 Grove of the Ancients & Wildbend River
00:47:30 Blackwood Den
01:00:00 The Master’s Glaive
01:07:30 Remtravel’s Excavation
01:15:00 The Long Wash
01:20:00 Bashal’Aran
01:25:00 Den Mother
01:30:00 Cliffspring River (Blackwood camps)
01:40:00 Cliffspring Falls
01:42:30 Tower of Althalaxx
01:50:00 Ruins of Mathystra
01:59:00 Outro: Aubedine Dock
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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World of Warcraft content and materials (images, in-game footages, in-game music, soundtracks, OST) are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard or its licensors. All rights reserved.
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