9 Card Switches You Have Never Heard About

9 switches you’ve probably never heard about. Become a BizGang Patreon: Table of Contents: 1. Classic For Top Switch by Biz (idea inspired by @alexpandrea) 2. United Switch by Biz 3. Strike Switch by Biz (released with @bigblindmedia) 4. Ching Switch (this is an effect, not an actual switch hehehe) 5. Twist Switch (self discovery by reading Edward Marlo) 6. Oxy Switch by @yoann_f_magicalsleight (hope the name is not wrong Yoann 🙃) 7. Duck Switch by Russel Duck 8. 2nd Card Switch (credits to @magicwithvision and @markhilkemeijer) 9. Turn Switch by Biz (credits to M. Helmer) All moves performed and filmed by Biz (Elisav Bizau) Location: Jucarie si Magie Bucharest Biz and Friends is all about collaborations between people, having fun together while working professionally towards a mutual goal and creating projects that serve the community. Hy. I’m Biz and I’m the guy behind all these. Here you’ll be able to find projects on which I’ve worked together with other wonderful people as well as projects of my ow
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