Rum Pistachio Brûlée - An after dinner rum sour cocktail recipe with homemade pistachio orgeat
Rum Pistachio Brûlée
I always find myself going to a brûlée garnish cocktail for an after dinner party treat. Guests always enjoy the blowtorch coming out. This garnish is gonna work great on most dessert style sours.
Even better when you’re using Jean-felix ‘s pistachio orgeat spec which I found on his trufflesontherocks YouTube channel. Check it out for a more detailed orgeat spec
60ml Aged rum
30ml Pistachio orgeat
30ml Lemon juice
Egg white or alternative foamer
Brûlée garnish & chopped pistachio garnish
Remember to dry & wet shake for the foamo
For the brûlée garnish add sugar to a bar spoon and torch over the top of your cocktail. Keep a mug full of water nearby to put the barspoon afterwards, this will make cleaning very easy.
For the pistachio orgeat
120ml hot water
40g unsalted pistachios (no shell)
Blend for 1 min
Strain (I used a nut milk bag)
Add 1:1.5 yield to sugar
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