Tings Chak: China is in fact a socialist country

Tings Chak is a researcher, artist and activist based in Shanghai. She leads the art department at the Tricontinental Institute, along with also doing research work for Tricontinental, co-editing Dongsheng News, and writing for People’s Dispatch. Tings has led the research and writing of Tricontinental’s dossier on China’s successes in poverty alleviation, which is due to be released in July 2021. This speech was given at the international launch for John Ross’s book “China’s Great Road; Lessons for Marxist Theory and Socialist Practices“, co-hosted by Friends of Socialist China, the Morning Star, Tricontinental Institute, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, and Learning from China. The launch took place on 10 July 2021. The full video can be seen at
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