Kalari training: kicks and steps

The video presents some elements of kalari practice done as the first part of our training at Studio Kalari, both in-person and during online classes (sometimes modified due to small space). Exercises covered in the video are: 1. Kicks: straight kick (ner kaal), round kick (otta kal), cross kick (kone kaal), double kick (tirichu kaal), kick-sit-turn (irutti kaal). 2. Sliding lunges (neeki theruthu, neeki ammarnnu) and squating (kai kuttu nokku). 3. Sequences with animal postures (lion and wild boar; elephant). Each line ends up with a transition to keep the continuous flow and develop stamina. Each exercise is done in the video once but during a training, we repeat them many times. Traditionally students in Kerala would even do just the straight kicks for months before a master would teach them next element. Progress is usually a slow and long process as it takes place on many levels: breath control, strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, speed, concentration and stamina t
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