Why should we talk to children about sex. | Tatiana Nikonova | TEDxNevaRiver

Sex-blogger Tatiana Nikonova, famous for publishing the book “Science of sex for teenagers” on raised by crowdfunding money, explained why should we talk to children about sex. If we don’t talk about matters of sex, it doesn’t make it less important for kids and teenagers. Why should we change our attitude towards sexual education and what programs it will cause if we won’t have it done — watch in this video. Among her projects there were such popular resources as , and . She has her own blog about sex since 2012, is considered the first in Russia columnist of sex toys. “My mission is to help people make their own decisions, and for this they need the completeness of information.“ This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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