Jaufré Rudel (1113-1170) : Imlaya

La Compagnie Médiévale, dir. Hervé Berteaux Jaufré Rudel Troubadour XIIe siècle Jaufre Rudel, Prince of Blaye, was one of the first reputed troubadours. He was from Aquitaine, Southern France, which was part of Occitania at the time. He participated in the second crusade (1147-1149). Marc Bernad (hurdy-gurdy, voice, percussion), Hervé Berteaux (reed & horn flutes, shawm, capped oboe), Christian Buono (voice), Iyad Haimour (qanun, percussion), Louis Soret (oud, rebec, fiddle, horn flute, ney, shawm
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