Elastic Punching Bag Head and Nut Shots w/ La Fênix & Nub TV!
Fhat Sam along with Nub TV and La Fênix take hits to the nuts, head, face and body with an elastic punching bag!
Funny video filled with stupid stunts from start to finish!
10 years ago 00:02:54 13
Elastic Punching Bag Head and Nut Shots w/ La Fênix & Nub TV!
4 years ago 00:00:58 2
Karate Elastic Drills - Karate Training - Karate Perth - Karin Prinsloo
5 years ago 00:05:25 4
Бокс: резиновый эспандер для повторных ударов/Boxing: elastic band for multiple punches