60-SECOND EXCURSION: Kayaking Devon Island’s Dundas Harbour in the Canadian Arctic

Kayaking through Dundas Harbour of Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic shows that the nearby mountainous desert landscape might feel like Afghanistan, if not for the dramatic fog, the icebergs, and harp seals. (Shot with iPhone 7, Canon 80D, and GoPro Hero 7, edited on iMovie for iOS. August 27, 2019.) “60-SECOND EXCURSIONS“ by the The Global Trip (travel writer/videographer Erik Trinidad) is a series of short, quickly edited travel videos that are 60 seconds or less, originally posted on Instagram/Facebook accounts @theglobaltrip and @plausiblyridiculous. They had been shot and edited on the fly (with iMovie for iOS) during an active trip, and were posted in chronological order—typically within a couple of hours of the moment, in near real-time.
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