TAUFF functional partner and body weight training | Baby monkey

Baby monkey Position The Weight places his hands on Doer’s shoulders. Doer places her hands around the Weightl’s hips. The Weight jumps into Doer’s arms and places his legs around Doer’s waist. The Weight embraces Doer. The exercise Doer places her feet wide apart and bends forward with control. Doer places her hands on the ground and starts wandering in different directions, carrying the Weight. Think about The Weight stays close to Doer as they come down and up. Doer bends her legs with her back straight and an active body as she comes down and up. Useful points You can also start from a sitting position. For more fun exercises check out: exercise library And follow us on Instagram & Facebook here: – The World biggest exercise library in body Weight training. Search between hundreds of challenging partne
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