Pepper Spray vs. Wasp Spray Challenge: Get the Facts for Self-Defense

Wasp spray for self-defense - it’s the latest rumor in personal safety. Watch the video to find out how wasp spray is not nearly irritating enough to stop a goal-oriented attacker. In this video, a man gets sprayed with both wasp spray and SABRE 5.0 pepper spray before completing a set of tasks: find a $100 bill, hit a target with practice pepper spray and play dodgeball. When the man gets sprayed with pepper spray, he is unable to complete the set of tasks. The pepper spray immobilizes him and causes him to fall to the ground due to extreme pain/massive eye irritation and eye closure. He expresses an urgent need to rinse the spray off right away. However, when he gets sprayed with wasp spray, he is able to perform them successfully. “The irritation from the wasp spray was minimal at best. It didn’t stop me at all, and it definitely would not stop an aggressive attacker. I completed all the tasks set before me and was unaffected by it.“ When it comes to protecting
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