13th Pyongyang Autumn International Trade Fair (2017 September)
As the recent geopolitical tensions between North Korea and USA spikes to a new critical high, the local residents of Pyongyang were instead caught up in the carnival-like atmosphere of the annual trade fair, concerning themselves only with procuring the latest products and gadgets on sale. I visited the opening day of the week-long event on the 25th September 2017, just shortly after the latest ballistic missile test. They sold all manner of stuff from shatter resistant LCD screens and liquid cooled computers to colourful fish tanks. Take a rare peek into the North Korean consumer culture with my latest video and you may get the impression nobody seems to be preparing for any war at all.
7 years ago 00:07:09 19
13th Pyongyang Autumn International Trade Fair (2017 September)
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13th World Festival of Youth and Students, Pyongyang 1989 (french with english subtitles)
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13th World Festival of Youth and Students - Closing Ceremony | Pyongyang 1989
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Koryo Media: Aberta 13° Feira Internacional de Comércio de Outono de Pyongyang
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На XIII Всемирном... (1989 г.)
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Кантата о Ким Ир Сене
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KCTV News 17h - | KCTV International
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China’s third highest-ranking official to visit N. Korea this week
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S. Korea imposes new sanctions targeting N. Korea’s spy satellite development along with U.S., Japan