Dittersdorf - Double Bass Concerto

Listen to more from the LSO here: Rinat Ibragimov, principal double bass of the London Symphony Orchestra, together with Catherine Edwards, performs Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf’s Double Bass Concerto, originally written in Es Major but performed here a semitone lower. This popular piece of double bass repertoire is commonly called for in auditions, and here Rinat demonstrates its performance using the original bass part and the Viennese Tuning that would have been in vogue at the time of its composition. Rinat plays a d-bass by Matheus Albany, a gift from his colleague and friend Alexande...r Stepanov. He uses Pirastro Eudoxa strings. Watch Rinat’s performance of Vanhal’s bass concerto here: ------------------------------------------- The London Symphony Orchestra is deeply saddened to learn of the death of our Principal Emeritus Double Bass Rinat Ibragimov in September 2020.
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