Princess Mary (1927)

Item title reads: “Princess Mary. In inaugurates ’Girls’ weeks at Hunslet.“ Leeds, Yorkshire M/S crowds of adults and children lining the streets, standing waiting. Some policemen spread their arms to hold back the crowds of men women and children, who jostle for a place. The Princess arrives in a Rolls Royce and is greeted by Lord Mayor Hugh Lupton who doffs his top hat and the Lady Mayoress Isabella Lupton who greets the Princess with a curtsy. The Princess walks through a guard of honour formed by members of the Girl Guides Association of which the princess is Honourary President. M/S The Princess emerges through the doorway of the YMCA building carrying a large bouquet. The Princess bids fairwell to the officials, including Miss Margaret Lupton, the daughter of the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress who also curtsies to the Princess. She gets into a car and a cavalcade of cars drives off. Note: The crowds fight for a good spot - she must have been a popular Royal. Notes: The Lupton Family are Kate Mid
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