MANDOKI SOULMATES - Happy Birthday, Charlie Horváth!

Dear Horváth Charlie, I wish you, our #Hungarian #soulmate, all the very best for your birthday, but most of all health, health, and health for long, long years. After the long months of waiting and holding out, this year we got to play in front of a live audience for the first time. Our concert together in Budapest was phenomenal, the audience breathtaking. What a great feeling to finally be on stage with you again in front of 30,000 spectators. Album Release Concert “Utopia for Realists - Hungarian Pictures“: MANDOKI SOULMATES - Live in Budapest 2021 | Best Of ► Thank you for gracing our musical vision! Sharing the stage with you is always an honor for me. keep on rocking! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and stay healthy, Your friend and soulmate, Leslie Our new Visual Album “Utopia for Realists“ is OUT NOW! Order here: ►
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