【 Eng sub 】 Gongjun & Zhehan 龚俊 & 张哲瀚 | Fans meeting 粉丝见面会 | [ Part 2 ]
Is this a fans meeting?
On that day, they were nobody.
They didnt know if word of honor would become famous.
They were only told to attend this event to promote their show and increase their popularity. They were only given 25 minutes for live-promotion, which was only a small part of the broadcast.
The audiences below weren’t even their fans, but tourists from the waterpark.
These tourists held light signs (zzh/gj) distributed by the staffs at the waterpark. They were told to hold up light signs so they can receive gifts at the event.
At that moment, Zzh and gj only had each other.
Video shooting: 3 weibo, 1 bilibil
Vidéo clip / Translation: @qiuqiufen
Twitter : @qiuqiufen
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