1300’s Abandoned Castle | Owner Was Beheaded By King

In today’s video we travel to the edge of the Pyrenees Mountains in the heart of southern France to explore a beautiful abandoned castle that has truly withstood the test of time. The history of the castle dates back to the 14th century when it was originally constructed as a medieval fortress. It was a place of sanctuary for many wealthy families and politicians. It was known for hosting grandiose events and gatherings for special occasions such as birth, marriage, elections, and even for death or funerals. In the 16th century, a French Duke lived in the castle when he allegedly began conspiring with a Spanish Duke to overthrow the French King, Henry the IV. In 1602, the Duke was arrested and taken to King Henry the IV himself who offered a pardon to the Duke if he would confess. The Duke refused, maintained his innocence, and instead the king had him beheaded. In the years following the beheading, reports and alleged proof of the dukes innocence came to light and so the dukes once scarred name ha
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