BIOMECHANICS MEYERHOLD. The Third International Festival of Theatre schools “Inspiration“..mp4

THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF THEATRE SCHOOLS “INSPIRATION“ (ТРЕТІЙ МІЖНАРОДНИЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ТЕАТРАЛЬНИХ ШКІЛ «НАТХНЕННЯ»), UZHGOROD COLLEGE OF CULTURE AND ARTS (УЖГОРОДСЬКИЙ КОЛЕДЖ КУЛЬТУРИ І МИСТЕЦТВ), 29 marches 2012, Kiev, Ukraine. VSEVOLOD MEYERHOLD MASTER CLASS IN BIOMECHANICS. Director -- Ievgen Tyshchuk. (Режисер -- Євген Тищук). The method of biomechanics, which is developed by Meyerhold, is a system trainings that allow the actor to control the movements of the body and the mechanisms of energy circulation. He proposed not to let energy splash impacts on actor that leads to uneven acting, stresses and unpredictability, but one should improve his/her skills of self-control years and subdue the energy. “Biomechanics&qu
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