Footage from several Soviet Moon and Mars rover design tests with added narration. Sources are of low quality, but the footage is quite interesting, focussing on wheel design, driving on loose surfaces, and hazard avoidance. The Lunokhod video camera system, used to drive the vehicle from Earth, is show. The Mars 3 Prop-M micro rover is also shown in operation. Towards the end, it’s interesting to see some footage of the NASA Ames Marshokod tests.
Original video sources: ,
Video sources are of low quality and were restored as best as possible. Some footage was AI upscaled.
Research, cleanup, editing, and processing by Retro Space HD.
Lunokhod was a series of Soviet robotic lunar rovers designed to land on the Moon between 1969 and 1977. Lunokhod 1 was the first roving remote-controlled robot to land on an extraterrestrial body.
Marsokhod was a Russian Mars rover project that was intended for use in the Mars-96 mission. Instead, it was used for experiments into improving rover technology.
Prototypes of the Marsokhod rover were taken from Russia to the NASA Ames Research Center, where they were jointly developed by the US and Russia. This led to the development of a ’virtual environment control system’, which meant the rover could be controlled remotely via an interface on a PC.
A special thanks to the channel supporters ( ):
Drew Granston
Francis Bernier
Gary Smith
Gio Pagliari
Jan Strzelecki
Jeff Pleimling
Jules E
Kevin Spencer
Michael Pennington
Nathan Koga
Noah Soderquist
Ryan Hardy
Scott Manley
#soviet #lunokhod #marsokhod
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