ha! 3 of my fav PH pairings, all in 1 vid!
sorry that i’m only uploading a u.u’’
so i had the idea for this vid since long ago but i just couldn’t find a song that fit it lool which song would fit it anyway XD so today i saw an awesome beta with this song and i thought “why not?“ this i what i have so far n_n
Break and Gil used to be friend sice a long ago (not in the vid) but Break falls in the Abyss. There he meets Alyss and falls in love (i write Alyss but in this story it’s spelled Alice too) but he can’t stay forever in the Abyss, so when he’s been taken out, Alyss tells him they’ll meet again. While this happens Gil meets Alice and start to be friends,and even if Gil says nothing about it, he’s in love with her. Gil and Break meet again sometime later and Gil asks Break what happened on the Abyss, but he only tells him that he met a girl named “Alice“. obviously Gil starts feeling anxious. (the twins still have a strong bond, but have never tried exchanging bodies and know nothing about Break and Gil being friends) then they’re all invited at a party, but when Break sees Alice he can’t believe it, and he’s sure they’re the same Alice seems to be unable to react....
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