
夏夜是小龍蝦的主場!這兩天被#小龍蝦降價#的熱搜刷屏,盼了半年,終於可以實現嗦蝦自由了!彈嫩的蝦肉,誘人的蝦黃,汁水四溢,痛快吮指!趕緊叫上小夥伴,用小龍蝦給夏天一個完美的開場~臺臺這次做了油燜和青花椒兩種口味,蝦也處理得幹幹凈凈,學會了保你吃得安心又暢快~今年的第一頓小龍蝦,就讓臺臺來和你分享吧! Summer nights are for crayfish! Recently the news that crayfish’s price drops becomes a hit. After such a long time, now it’s finally the crayfish season again! The bouncy and tender meat, the alluring crayfish butter, and the tasteful and finger-licking juice……call your friends to begin the summer with the riverfish! Today we’re going to share with you two crayfish recipes. Cooking at home guarantees the food is clean and safe. Check out the video for the first crayfish meal of the year!
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