Feathers (1954)

Star and Garter Home for Disabled Ex-Servicemen, Richmond, London. C/U pile of feathers, hand comes into picture and takes a bunch. M/S nurse hands feathers to disabled World War One veteran George Stanton seated at table. George trims the feathers into the shape of leaves, nurse watches. C/U sticking feathers leaves together at the base to resemble the petals of a flower. He takes a piece of wire and binds it to form stamens of model flower. He inserts stamens into the centre of the petals. C/U George cutting off a length of piping to act as the stem. He attaches the stem by threading the wire on the stamens through it. C/U binding leaves onto the stem. C/U finished flower (tulip). George hands nurse the flower which she places in with a bowl of flowers he has previously made. The two look at other things he has made. C/U wall decoration consisting of birds and butterflies on a twig. C/U one of the birds. C/U another decoration - looks like bird sitting on log and looking at owl. C/U anot
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