Thumb Wrestling Federation Art OC: The Pinching Crab

Last time, I made 4 Evil Sinistra characters: Starlight Galaxy, Flaming Demon, Thunder-Race Rockstar Strike, and Surfer Gorilla Beat. Ladies and gentlemen! In this corner, fighting for The Evil Sinistras, there’s a sneaky little thief Crab who likes to pitch some other things. He’s very sneaking, but be careful, he can pinch your fingers in the beach! It’s The Pinching Crab! Data: The Pincher of the beach. Biography: The Pinching Crab is a troublesome boy who loves to cause mischief especially on the beach. Whenever he sees people going to the beach to find some sea shells or to have a nice swim and have a nice meal, he can pinch them everywhere he likes. He steals food, drinks, and the Sea Shells as he loves the Sea Shells. Until one day, he finds a place that he can steal. He joins The Evil Sinistras and pinch his opponent with his claws. Signature move: The Water Crab Meal!
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