MUSE [Impressive Space] billford edit

I FORGOT TO PUT FORD’S GLASSES ON!! They were on my other character and I didn’t even remember about it, OH MY GOD I thought about it when I was already rendering. So let’s imagine that Ford takes glasses off after he finishes his work at evning. I haven’t made videos in Impressive Title games for a long time and maybe the visuals look weird now, but these games once became the basis of my personal and fandom creativity. main gallery: twitter: @_TeronsRICKman_ and [club218235474|@teronscock]​ boosty: FA: DA: tmblr: Inst: terons_rickman Program: OBS, Sony vegas Pro 13 music: isabel la...rosa - wanna be your muse #animation #animatic #gravityfalls #thebookofbill #stanfordpines #billcipher #billfold #impressivetitle #impressivespace
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