Bach’s Successor: The Thomaner’s New Conductor Andreas Reize | Music Documentary

To one day direct the Thomaner Choir in Leipzig: this has always been a very special ambition in the music world, after all Johann Sebastian Bach was once cantor of the choir himself. Since the fall of 2021, this illustrious post has been filled by Swiss national Andreas Reize. Reize is the 18th Cantor at St. Thomas after J.S. Bach. The Music Documentary “Bach’s Successor – The Thomaner’s New Conductor“ shows how smoothly Andreas Reize has settled into his role. The film by Axel Rowohlt observes the Cantor and his highly traditional choir at work – and not just on the music of J.S. Bach; it also affords an insight into the everyday lives of the choristers at the Thomaner School. This illustrates how Reize’s appointment to the post marks a new era, because he has no personal ties to Leipzig or the over 800-year-old boys’ choir. Nevertheless: Andreas Reize is a widely respected authority on church music. For him, following in the footsteps of Bach to conduct the Thomaner Choir fulfills
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