【二米炊烟】Yellow Peach & Tomato晚熟黃桃和秋後番茄,味道真的絕了!

※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). It hasn’t rained much here since August, so the fruits are all sweet. The most of late-ripening yellow peaches were eaten by birds, and the remaining peaches were canned, which are cool and sweet, perfect with tomato hot pot! 從8月開始我們這裡就不怎麼下過雨 所以水果啥的都挺甜的,晚熟的黃桃 一個不注意讓鳥兒幫忙吃了不少 剩下幾個做成了黃桃罐頭 冰冰涼涼甜甜的,和番茄火鍋配正好 —————————————————— Please subscribe to my channel if you like my videos: (如果喜歡我的視頻千萬別忘記點擊訂閱哦~) #二米炊煙 #yellowpeach #tomato #hotpot #cooking #美食 #菜譜 #做飯 #鄉村生活 #ermichuiyan #haimétkhói #Chinesefood #masak #foodrecipe #khana
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