Fired anti-China English teacher convicted arsonist!

I have uncovered the identity of an alcoholic British man who drunkenly told a young Chinese boy he was teaching English to online that Taiwan is not part of China, and then gave the middle finger to the boy’s mother. The man has since been fired by LingoStar. BUT the story gets so much more interesting! It turns out that the man is Paul John Farrell, and to say he has a colorful past would be putting it lightly. He’s a convicted criminal in Taiwan, where he lived for around 15 years, having done time for trying to burn down a Family Mart after the staff there didn’t give him tomato sauce when he ordered a burger. He also got the word Taiwan tattooed on his forehead and the Taiwan separatist flag tattooed on his chin during a drunk night out, which he claims led to him getting severely bashed by the Chinese mafia in Cambodia. Despite all that, Paul moved to the Chinese mainland just a few months ago where an English school in Nanjing shockingly gave him a job. He left just two weeks ago aft
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