Full version of Bohun’s song from the movie “by the fire and the sword“
Alexander Domogarov played the greatest historical person in Ukrainian History - Ivan Bohun in the movie and sang this song there...
Here is the full version of that song sung by Alexander (as it was performed on the different russian sites)
But it is song sung by Jurij Tokar, as it was found lately thanks to the comments under..
Anyway i will not delete this track.
The real name of the song is “Ой чий то кінь стоїть“ | Oj čyj to kiń stojit’.
“Dumka Bohuna“ is the name that appeared after the movie.
11 months ago 00:02:50 1
Dumka Bohuna
1 year ago 00:02:50 2
Jurij Tokar - Oj czyj to kiń stoit’ | Bohun
2 years ago 00:03:36 2
“МАМА“ - песня для самого дорогого человека на земле
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4 years ago 00:04:08 1
JURIJ TOKAR - Ой, чий то кінь стоїть укр.народна пісня (Dumka Bohuna)
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Dumka Bohuna ( Ой чий то кінь стоїть) - Jurij Tokar
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14 years ago 00:01:59 18
czorniji browy, kariji oczi (чорні брови, карі очі)... Jurij Tokar