Irga – The Sorcerer and the soldier (Official Music Video)

The Sorcerer and the soldier Old people say, once upon a time a soldier was coming back from a war to his native village. As he was passing our village, Magovei, he got caught up in a snowstorm at night. Erm, he saw a house stand with a light in. He knocked and a mother and her daughter let him in. Though there was something screwy about the matter, they looked scared of somewhat. Anyway, they hosted the soldier, fed him and gave him to drink. The soldier couldn’t but ask what had happened to them. Well, they said, there’s an old man – a sorcerer, who kept many villagers in awe. Those who w...ere not killed, were frightened the wits out of. Beforehand her goodman would put a bridle on an old one. After he had perished afield, the sorcerer went berserk. The soldier asked if there were any powers that could ride the whirlwind with the old man? Well, they said, one need to squelch him somehow, put in a casket, then burn the casket and wh
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