10 Min. Post-Run Stretch | Simple Cool Down after Running

Hello and welcome to your 10 Minute Yoga inspired Stretching Routine, which is the perfect little Cool Down after a short or long run. We take care of your entire lower body and stretch glutes, quads, hamstrings & hips, but also get a little bit into the spine and side body. Really make sure to give yourself just a little bit of time (for stretching) after every run, in order to reduce the risk of injuries, recover faster and increase flexibility. As always the sequence is well balanced and all of the exercises flow seamlessly into each other. I first designed a much more fancy sequence but finally came to the point that all I personally want after running, is a simple but effective stretching routine, and someone out there who tells me how long to stay ;) Well, yes. That’s how we got here. Basic but effective! IMPORTANT: If you got sensitive knees (or if it simply feels better!), PLEASE pad your knee basically in all of the kneeling positions! (Low Lunge, Quad Stretch, Runners Stretch Lizard). Just take a little cushion, a blanket or simply fold the mat. During the QUAD STRETCH, please try to not put your weight directly on the kneecap (patella), but more on the softer flesh right above the kneecap. Does this makes sense? You feel the difference and it’s much more comfortable :) For variation, you can also switch the Lizard Pose to a Pigeon Pose. I sometimes mix these up. Both are fine :-) And last but not least, in the SEATED TWIST make sure to actively pull the bend thigh towards you, so you actually benefit from that beautiful stretch in your outer thigh/buttocks ;) Alright, enjoy your run, and in particular learn to enjoy the post-run stretch afterwards as well ;) Thank you for practising with me! Mady ******************************** In addition to my German voice-over-videos, I will be producing more music-only stretching and fitness content in the future, so everybody can join! If you have any video requests, please let me know in the comments. NO ADS! As in all of my sessions, I do not put any ads within the video. So you won’t be interrupted in the middle of your workout. KEINE WERBUNG! Wie in allen meinen Einheiten, schalte ich innerhalb der Videos keine Werbung! Ihr werdet also nicht mitten im Workout unterbrochen. Diese Yoga-Einheit könnt ihr ganz prima im Anschluss absolvieren: ******************************** Das ist meine Matte: ​ * (und mit Abstand meine absolute Nummer 1) ******************************** MORE MUSIC-ONLY SESSIONS: 15 MIN DAILY STRETCH: ​ NECK & SHOULDER STRETCH: BACK PAIN RELIEF STRETCHES: BETTER POSTURE STRETCH: ******************************** EQUIPMENT: Meine liebste Matte: ​ * Meine Vlogging Cam: ​ * Mein Make Up 100% Bio- bzw Naturkosmetik ​ * Mein neuer Mixer (macht die besten Smoothies ever!) ​ * ******************************** MUSIK: ******************************** Für mehr Inspiration YOGA, TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE : Instagram : ​ Facebook: ​ Blog: ​ * das ist ein Affiliate Link. Wenn du über diesen Link etwas kaufst, erhalte ich eine kleine Provision. Am Preis verändert sich für dich rein gar nichts!! So kannst du diesen Kanal unterstützen und hilfst mir weiterhin kostenlose Aktionen und Videos für euch zu erstellen. Vielen Dank für deinen Support!
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