SteamPunk Pendant Part 1 (How To)

Making a SteamPunk Pendant (Part 1) (How to) This project was created using ArtyCo moulds and my own made moulds. This video is in 2 parts, so here is the link to part 2: The moulds I used in this project are this one: =sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1463649715&sr=8-6&keywords=Artyco steampunk which has some nice large cogs and gears on it, as well as some smaller detailed ones, and I used some of the clock and compass faces from this mould too: =sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1463649715&sr=8-13&keywords=Artyco steampunk I also used some of the results from this mould - also from ArtyCo: =sr_1_19?ie=UTF8&qid=1463649751&sr=8-19&keywords=Artyco steampunk All these moulds were made f
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