SteamPunk Pendant Part 2

Making a SteamPunk Pendant (Part 2) (How to) This project was created using ArtyCo moulds and my own made moulds. This video continues on from part one which, if you missed that, is here: The moulds I used in this project are this one: =sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1463649715&sr=8-6&keywords=Artyco steampunk which has some nice large cogs and gears on it, as well as some smaller detailed ones, and I used some of the clock and compass faces from this mould too: =sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1463649715&sr=8-13&keywords=Artyco steampunk I also used some of the results from this mould - also from ArtyCo: =sr_1_19?ie=UTF8&qid=1463649751&sr=8-19&keywords=Artyco steampunk All these m
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