Liberated prisoner Ruba Assi:

Liberated prisoner Ruba Assi: — We know that all of these sacrifices will not go in vain. These sacrifices will not stop because of a truce or aid. When the resistance demands something, it encompasses everything. They think of all of the Palestinian people. They don’t just think about the Gaza Strip and how to improve the living conditions there. They think about how to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea. The conditions of imprisonment are very difficult. The achievements of the prisoners, baptized in blood after long years of struggle, were taken away from them. From the first moments of the war, we had no food for long periods of time. We would sleep on the ground without mattresses. We were subjected to naked searches, beatings by the jailers for all female prisoners, and deprivation of food and water and all the necessities of life. We would sleep hungry. We do not strive for better prison conditions. We strive for freedom. Источник: RNN Prisoners
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