Tascam Portastudio 414 as a noise machine

The idea of plugging a mixing console into itself and getting insanely yelling feedback is not new. Thus, it is also possible to use a cassette port studio. You need to take a stereo -2 mono cable and connect the headphone output to the input of any two channels. By manipulating the channel volume, gain, and high and low cut filters, you can get different timbres of noise. Through the send-return we switch the effect pedals. This jam is an absolute improvisation, in which at the sixth minute, I decide that it would be nice to also run a drum loop on the player, through the effects pedal. Enjoy this madness and enjoy watching! #Tascam #Portastudio #hologrammicrocosm #Microcosm #hologram #Tape #loop #tapeloop #cassette #ambient #soundscape #noise #drone
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