What if the Moon Disappeared? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: Firstly, our nights would definitely be darker. Due to this, night predators like owls would find it very difficult to hunt at night. But, this would be great news for stargazers as there is no interference from moonlight. Secondly, as the moon’s gravity is no longer there to hold the earth, it would rotate faster and thus, our days will be much shorter than 24 hours. Craters on moon are a proof that it has protected earth from thousands of asteroids and comets, this no longer will be the case. With the moon missing, tides in our oceans will be much much smaller as only sun will slightly influence them. Changing tides will also influence the global weather patterns. Finally, moon’s disappearance might tilt earth’s axis drastically, causing extreme changes in seasons and climate.
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