John Stowell - Always Sometimes × Excenter Sessions

Please subscribe if you want to see more content like this. Naročite se na kanal, če želite videti temu podobne vsebine. Always Sometimes is written by John Stowell. SLO ------ John Stowell (ZDA) je jazz kitarist in glasbenik. Prepoznaven je po svojih modernih jazzovskih harmonijah, akordih in improvizaciji. ENG ------ John Stowell (USA) is a American jazz guitarist and musician. He’s known for modern jazz harmonies, chords and improvisation. John Stowell (guitar) Setlist: 1. Feira Livre: 2. Major Sphere: 3. Tapioca Time: 4. : 5. Always Sometimes × John Stowell: John Stowell plays on Zaletelj guitars: Want to discover more from Excenter Sessions? Check out: Facebook: Instagram
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