Strength Training for Cyclists - Ultimate Guide – Ask a Cycling Coach 437

Share the podcast with your friends, and rate it 5-stars! iTunes: Spotify: Google Podcasts: TOPICS COVERED (0:00) Welcome! (2:21) Why you need to do strength training (9:26) Why you should do strength training in more than just the offseason (11:50) How often should you do strength training every week? (14:56) Should you do strength training on hard days or easy days? (29:20) How to avoid DOMS (34:09) Can strength training replace a specific type of cycling workout? (37:00) How to know when you should prioritize strength or cycling training (41:33) What is the minimum amount of strength training you should do (46:50) How much will your sprint power or FTP increase from strength training? (53:18) Are bodyweight exercises enough for cyclists, or do you need equipment? (57:05) No equipment, at-home strength training exercises for cyclists (1:00:51) Should c
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