Lleyton Ullmann (GER) vs Alan Kurmangaliyev (KAZ) | U15 QF | 2021 WTT Youth Contender Otocec

At the WTT Youth Contender Otocec (SLO), Lleyton Ullmann met Alan Kurmangaliyev from Kazakhstan in the quarterfinals (QF) of the Under 15 singles event. This was the match for a place on the medal rostrum. All results for Lleyton Ullmann (U15): Grp: Ullmann vs Podar (ROU) - 3:1 Grp: Ullmann vs Jokic (SLO) - 3:0 R64: Ullmann hatte ein Freilos. R32: Ullmann vs Green (ENG) - 3:0 R16: Ullmann vs Podobnik (SLO) - 3:0 QF: Ullmann vs Kurmangaliyev (KAZ) - 2:3 Unfortunately, Lleyton fell one step short so he missed the medal rostrum this time. However, his opponent was really strong - especially during long topspin rallies. All rights belong to ITTF and WTT.
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