Betrayed - Time Is the Best Murderer (Official Music Video)

The video of the song “Time Is the Best Murderer“ wants to represent the common desire of many people: to be able to control the passing of time at will in order to satisfy their needs, goals and necessities. The young protagonist of the story will make the discovery of a powerful object capable of changing the passing of time. At first the artifact will be used casually but, once knowledge about its functioning is acquired, its intervention will be forced to satisfy one’s desires, not without paying a high price. The title of the song in fact wants to represent the strength, the unpredictability, the uncontrollability and the brutality of the passing of time and the irreversible consequences in trying to control it. Video directed and filmed by Luca Lee Josh -SPECIAL THANKS TO FLAVIO SARTONI, LUIGI BARZAGLIA, IF IMOLA FAENZA TOURISM, CASA MUSEO ALFREDO ORIANI RAVENNA, COMUNE DI CASOLA VALSENIO E PROLOCO. - ACTORS: PIERO DE GIOVANNI, MAEL NICCHIA, GIANLUCA DE GIOVANNI Listen to: KASNA Full album: Time is The Best Murderer:
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