Air Squats - 30 Reps non stop - Warming up CrossFit at #Team417 - 02-14-2022

Strength at Team 417 CrossFit - Warming up and Stretching Data: MON FEBRUARY 14, 2022 Warm Up B 400m Run 30 x Jumping Jacks 10 x Sumo inchworm pushup 10 x Spine ringers 20 x Good mornings 20 x Arch to hollow on bar 160’ Single arm DB farmers carry L and R 12 Suitcase Deadlifts 15 x Single arm KB high pull R-L 9 x Strict T2B 6 x Burpee #Team417 #Team417CrossFit #417CrossFit #JaredStevens #crossfit #417fitness #fitness #gym #workout #fit #training #fitnessmotivation #motivation #bodybuilding #wod #weightlifting #ozarks #ozarkmo #ky3 #ky3tv #ky3news #kspr33 #kspr #ksprtv #ksprnews #ozarksfox #KOLR10 #KOLR10news #springfieldmo #BransonMO #RogersvilleMO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Road to the Ironman Triathlon - ONE MILE AT A TIME Follow Me on STRAVA :
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