Countdown (Australia)- Humdrum- May 15, 1983

The ’Humdrum’ Segment from the Countdown episode aired May 15, 1983, which Molly Meldrum presents as usual, and note, with his trademark Stetson (and not Akubra as is commonly assumed) hat (which he didn’t start wearing until the early to mid 1980s). Acts that he mentions include Malcolm McLaren, AC/DC, Icehouse, David Bowie, Falco, After The Fire, and Laura Branigan. This Humdrum segment is used by Molly to compare three different versions of the same song- Austrian singer/songwriter Falco’s 1981 hit ’Der Kommissar’, British band After The Fire’s 1982 cover version, and American singer Laura Branigan’s 1983 single ’Deep in the Dark’, which uses English lyrics to Falco’s ’Der Kommissar’ score.
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