PACS 164A Lecture 7: Gandhi’s Arrival in South Africa to the Birth of Satyagraha (1893-1906)

In this lecture, Professor Michael Nagler elaborates on a previous class discussion regarding the history of nonviolence, and uses this evidence to begin to answer the question, “what are the basic elements of the nonviolent worldview?“ Professor Nagler covers the rise and significance of mercantilism and colonialism in India and South Africa, the second phase of Gandhi’s life and career, the establishment of the Indian colony, and how contemporary theories of nonviolence, such as Kenneth Boulding’s “Three Faces of Power,“ manifest throughout this history. Lecture Transcript: 0:02:26 Parallel of Satyagraha and the Atom Bomb 0:06:21 Munna Bhai Lage Raho 0:09:59 Nonviolence: 25 Lessons from the History of a Dangerous Idea 0:14:51 Three Gunas: Tamas 0:16:15 Three Gunas: Rajas 0:17:46 Three Gunas: Sattva 0:18:18 Sanskara Model: Three Gunas and Nonviolence 0:20:41 Cowardice vs Violence
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