Beef Stew (Copadia) - Ancient Roman Recipe

Copadia, an ancient Roman stew, from the collection of recipes attributed to Marcus Gavius Apicius. A delicious way to revive the culinary culture of ancient Rome. Ingredients: 800 gr beef 1 red onion peeled almonds 1 date 1 tablespoon honey extra virgin olive oil defritum 50 ml red wine vinegar garum black pepper lovage parsley For more infos, check out our blog: If you liked the music on this video check our music and art channel: __ Music Lilium Aeris Andrea Tuffanelli – tympanum Serena Fiandro – flute Kalliopeia Sopha - Mesomedes of Crete 2nd century AD #ancientromanrecipe #ancientromanfood #beefstew #copadia #garum
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