The Glass Wall - Il muro di vetro (1953) 720p. Eng.

Regia di Maxwell Shane USA, 1953 con: Vittorio Gassman: Peter Kaban Gloria Grahame: Maggie Summers Ann Robinson: Nancy Douglas Spencer: Inspector Bailey Robin Raymond: Tanya aka Bella Zakoyla Jerry Paris: Tom Elizabeth Slifer: Mrs. Hinckley, the Landlady Richard Reeves: Eddie Hinckley Joe Turkel: Freddie Zakoyla (con il nome Joseph Turkel) Else Neft: Mrs. Zakoyla Michael Fox: Inspector Toomey Nesdon Booth: Monroe, the Taxi Driver (con il nome Ned Booth) Kathleen Freeman: Zelda, the Fat Woman with Coat Juney Ellis: Girl friend Jack Teagarden: Se stesso - Musicista Shorty Rogers: Se stesso - Band Leader Richard Collier: Giggling Man in Arcade (non accreditato) Sayre Dearing: Nightclub Extra (non accreditato) Roy Engel: Police News Broadcaster (non accreditato) Alvin Freeman: Street Dancer (non accreditato) Kenner G. Kemp: Dock Inspector (non accreditato) Lou Krugman: Club Manager (non accreditato) Joseph Mell: Musician in Men’s Room (non accreditato) Frank Mills: Taxi Driver’s Pal (non accreditato) Dick Monda: Louis, Street Dancer (non accreditato) Barney Phillips: Police Lieutenant Reeves (non accreditato) ’Snub’ Pollard: Man in Alley with Tall Showgirl (non accreditato) Valerie Vernon: Ruolo secondario (non accreditato)
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