Keto Diet -vs- DASH Diet [bad news ahead] New Study!!!

The American Heart Association say the DASH diet is the best diet in the world for lowering blood pressure! Do you think they are correct? This new study reveals the results of the DASH Diet -vs- the KETO Diet, and these results will surprise you. I was blown away by this very well done study. Join Our Community & Learn more: COMMON SENSE LABS Book: [which labs you need] The study: #sec-10 (print out for your doctor) LIES MY DOCTOR TOLD ME: Get Daily Minerals: Eat Real MEAT: (discount = BERRY) Eat Real Salt: ----- Join me and let’s optimize your health! ---- My Website: Support my Mission to make the World Healthier: Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician with 20 years of experienc
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