Knife Making –Forging a magnificent Kiritsuke from screws!!!

EN] Knife Making –Forging a magnificent Kiritsuke from screws!!! In this video I show you how I forged placo screws to obtain a damascus blade for this great chef’s knife. I’m happy with this knife because I think the damask is really nice and the handle very stylish. The handle was made with deer antler, ebony and brass. I find that the brass nailing really brings a little more to this handle. I really enjoyed making this knife I hope you will take as much as me watching the video! Do not hesitate to leave me comments. See you soon for a new knife project! BOULDERDASHFORGE Share the video with your friends who might be interested. [FR] Knife Making – Je forge un magnifique Kiritsuke à partir de vis à placo !!! Dans cette vidéo je vous montre comment j’ai forgé des vis à placo pour obtenir une lame damas pour ce super couteau de grand chef cuisinier. Je suis content de ce couteau car je trouve que le damas est vraiment
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