Black Powder Revolvers- An American Legend | Tactical Rifleman
Firearms are a major part of American history. Many of us are not historians, and often we draw our “history“ from movies. However, a large chapter that we are missing is the shift from the old musket-styled single shot pistols to the revolvers of the WW-I, the lawmen & gangsters, and every great western movie. Most of the great movies, especially the westerns, skip over this important transition from single-shot muzzle loaders to muzzle loading revolvers. Here to give us a little history lesson, in his own fun way, is Special Forces legend Seaux Lareaux. Seaux was on my A-Team during the initial invasion of Afghanistan; and wrapped up his military career working “force modernization“ up at star fleet command. Loved and hated by all; Seaux is insanely smarter than he lets on, and I consider it an honor to call him my brother. I hope you enjoy the video. Strength & Honor, TR.
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2 months ago 00:04:23 1
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