Blue Cheeses from Wisconsin | State of Cheese

We know that for many, blue cheese is an acquired taste. We recommend acquiring a taste for blue as soon as humanly possible. For those that dare, Wisconsin has the full spectrum of blues to explore, from creamy to crumbly, and mild to super pungent. Bottom line: There’s no joy in pigeon-holing Wisconsin blues. Our state flag is blue for a reason. We love the stuff! Learn more about the different blues made in Wisconsin: Subscribe to Wisconsin Cheese: About Wisconsin Cheese: Here in Wisconsin, we stay busy making the best cheese on Earth. We believe that great cheese makes the world a better and happier place, and we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what cheese can be - through new varieties, textures, and flavors. We believe in tradition and innovation. And while you’ll find classic cheeses, you’ll also find cheeses that are original to our state. We’d love for you to try our cheese and decide for yourself.
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